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Previous workshop at Goto 10 in Stockholm

Thinking Through Futures: A Para-Ethnographic Workshop

10 Aug 2018, 13:00–16:00 | Organizer: Angela VandenBroek

The event has passed.

Anthropologist Angela VandenBroek, in partnership with Goto 10, invites you to participate in a para-ethnographic workshop based on the preliminary results of her year-long ethnographic study of Stockholm’s startup and innovation community. The workshop will challenge participants to reflect on their own epistemologies to spark discussion and insight into how their knowledge of the future impacts their work to shape it.


In her work, anthropologist Angela VandenBroek has met hundreds of people in Stockholm’s startup and innovation community who are working to improve the future. They are building companies that will tackle large global problems like climate change; developing virtual reality games that build empathy for human difference; advocating for public policy that makes entrepreneurship a more accessible choice for disadvantaged demographics; or making adjustments to systems to improve efficiency and reduce stress for those that use them.

Across the diversity of these projects, this community is collectively working towards a better future. But, what is this future? Without the ability to travel in time, the future is always just an assemblage of knowledge that we use to help us make decisions in the present. How this assemblage of knowledge emerges from the practices of this community has profound implications for how it goes about creating innovations for the future. The workshop will challenge participants to reflect on their own epistemologies—that is, the nature of what one knows and the practices through which one comes to know it—to spark discussion and insight into how their imaginations of the future impact their work to shape it.

Angela has been conducting anthropological fieldwork in Stockholm’s startup and innovation community since August 2017. She has collected more than two hundred hours of observational data and spoken with more than a hundred stakeholders within the community including entrepreneurs, developers, marketers and influencers, students, investors, corporate innovation teams, supporting government agencies, and the teams behind many of Stockholm’s startup and innovation events, coworking spaces, hubs, and incubators. This workshop is the conclusion of this year-long fieldwork project.


Para-ethnography is an experimental anthropological field method where the subjects of a study are invited to not only supply data—such as through observation and interviews—but to actively collaborate in the analysis and development of theory. Using preliminary results from a year of fieldwork in Stockholm and other tools from the anthropological toolkit, Angela will teach participants key concepts relevant to the topic and lead participants through interactive exercises intended to spark reflection and discussion. The workshop will contribute to the final results of this study as well as facilitate discussions relevant to participants.

  • All participants should bring a laptop or other device that they can access Google documents on.
  • The workshop will be conducted in English.



Anyone affiliated with, working in, or interested in Stockholm’s startup and innovation community is welcome to participate. Participants will be asked about their backgrounds during registration so that the workshop can be tailored for the specific makeup of attendees.

  • This event is free.
  • Space is limited, so register as soon as possible to reserve your spot.

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.

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