R-Ladies Stockholm make their first visit to Foo Café! More details about the event to come.
Do you feel R-curious? Join us in the R-ladies Stockholm!
Struggle with data management in R and still haven’t learned TidyR? Come to our meeting and get an introduction to TidyR by our R-ladies Stefanie and Sophie. We will also present R-Ladies Stockholm and our calendar for the rest of the autumn. Feel free to bring a friend!
For more info about TidyR: https://blog.rstudio.com/2014/07/22/introducing-tidyr/
18.00-18.30 Presentation of R-Ladies Stockholm
18.30-19.00 Sophie present TidyR versus base R for data management
19.00-19.30 Break
19.30-20.00 Stefanie presents the grammar of TidyR
20.00 Mingle and drinks
About our presenters
Sophie Debonneville is a research assistant at Karolinska Institutet and has studied Bioinformatics at Lausanne University. Stefanie Möllberg is a Data Analyst at Nepa AB and has previously studied industrial economics at Lindköping University.
About our meetings
Our meetings will cover different aspects of R programming, from data management to making your own R package. We will have approximately one meetup every other month and the level is for beginners as well as seniors. Feel free to contact us if you would like to present!
About R-Ladies Stockholm
R-Ladies Stockholm is a local chapter of R-Ladies Global which is an initiative to promote gender equality in the R community. R-Ladies is open for everyone and everyone should feel welcome! For more info about the R-ladies Global check out: https://rladies.org/ and if you have any question to us contact us on: rladies.stockholm@gmail.com
Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-stockholm/members/?sort=join_date&desc=true
Facebook: R-Ladies Stockholm
Twitter: @RLadiesSTHLM
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