Karen Lawrence Öqvist shares her expertise and thoughts on Privacy by Design, come and join the conversation at Goto 10!
There are 7 PbD principles in theory, but how do you make them work in practice? The principles are high-level: and there are no checklists, no prescribed routines. This session will offer some practical tips and tools, which you can take and adapt to the practical application of privacy by design in application development.
Why do many IT providers and security companies think privacy by design is information security?
Privacy by Design includes important elements of information security. But Privacy by Design is more than information security. Karen Lawrence Öqvist from Privasee, one of the top GDPR specialists, will tell you about the 7 PbD principles.
What challenges are there in product development for implementing Privacy by Design?
There is no detailed prescribed methods, tools, routines for PbD, the 7 principles give a high-level view, but diving below this is challenging. The GDPR and e-Privacy Regulation will trigger activity in this space, and this session will be enough to get you thinking differently about application development and beyond security.
Why come? Well it maybe something which gets you motivated to be a part of the movement which defines what really is PbD on a detailed level in application development!
Karen Lawrence Öqvist, Privasee, a known speaker and author on privacy and GDPR compliance. She is a fellow information professional (FIP) with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP). With 20+ years experience in information security, compliance and privacy under her belt, she created simple tools, methodology for privacy compliance upon which Privasee AB is founded upon in 2015. Today Karen is CEO of Privasee, offering niche products and services in privacy and GDPR compliance.
18:00 Arrive
18:15 Presentation begins
19:00 Break with food and drink
19:30 Q and A continues
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