Can data help us to adapt our behaviour and our societies to prevent climate change? Civic Tech Sweden invites you to an exciting discussion with some of the people trying to do just that in different ways!
The science of climate is clear. Our planet is warming up due to human activity and the release of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. To reduce these emissions requires a deep and rapid change in the way we live as individuals and as societies. At the same time, our world is becoming more digital and we now have huge amounts of data to describe our impact on the planet. Can this data be exploited to take smarter and greener decisions?
Civic Tech Sweden invites you to an exciting discussion with some of the people trying to use this data to save our climate.
Clara Guibourg from J++/Newsworthy is a datajournalist who works on how to better report on climate change using data.
Olivier Corradi, co-founder of Tomorrow, builds tools helping companies to optimise their energy consumption.
Johan Eklöf, co-founder of Klimatsekretariatet, builds tools to increase citizen awareness about their impact.
In addition to a presentation of their work and a panel discussion, this event will also feature an open discussion with the audience so don’t hesitate to come with your questions and ideas!
The event will be moderated by Malin Crona and Pierre Mesure.
The event will be virtual via Zoom and rewatchable on YouTube.
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