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Previous presentation at Goto 10 in Stockholm

Faviana Vangelius von Heijne (SVRVIVE): Improve Your Brain - The Real Value of VR/AR Gaming

3 May 2018, 17:00–20:00 | Organizer: Goto 10

The event has passed.

How will VR and AR games using neuroscience improve the lives of the players, and society at large? VR Entrepreneur Faviana Vangelius von Heijne will talk about this and more in an afternoon keynote when we celebrate Goto 10's first birthday.

Yes, immersive gaming is the new frontier of entertainment, but the true value of VR/AR lies in how you can impact the human brain. How will immersive games using neuroscience improve the lives of the players, and society at large?

Faviana Vangelius von Heijne is the CEO & Co-Founder of SVRVIVE Studios, one of Sweden’s very first VR games studios and distributors and moderator of WIVR (Women In VR).


This event is part of the all-day celebration of Goto 10’s first birthday – see the full schedule and attend the Facebookevent here.

Join us for these activities throughout the day:

- Welcome! One Year with Goto 10 and its Members, with Isadora Hellegren and Jenny Liljestrand from the Goto 10 Team

09.00-10.00 Keynote presentation:
- Inclusive Innovation – Inviting Everyone to the Innovation Party by Siduri Poli
Innovation and new technologies must be linked to democracy and inclusion if we want to go forward. Siduri Poli, awarded with Super Talent of the Year and Digital Inspirer of the Year, is co-founder of one of Sweden's largest and most important entrepreneur hubs, Changers Hub, with the aim of democratising success and enabling young people in marginalised areas to succeed with their start-up ideas.
Are you coming? Don't forget to register here: https://www.goto10.se/evenemang/goto-10-fyller-ett-ar-frukostseminarium-och-tillbakablick/

10.00-17.00 Live construction and digital art installation:
- The Semiosphere, Conveying movement, by Olle Bjerkås, digital artist and Arvid Blom, engineer - #Svartljus
In a world where the digital often stands in sharp contrast to the natural, Olle and Arvid strive to bring the digital closer to what they perceive as “natural” or “living”. The Semiosphere is an attempt to communicate movement through a mathematical space filled with nebulous clouds of color, akin to a local weather phenomenon and create a sense of natural presence.

10.00-12.00 Internationally awarded VR-films:
- VR Sci Fest
A headset, a revolving chair and suddenly you're immersed in science. VR Sci Fest, Sweden's biggest festival dedicated to science and virtual reality, let you peek into an assortment of worlds and situations. Not to be missed!

10.15 Live Podcast Recording:
Stateless Digital, coworkers at Goto 10 floor 2, have a chat with interesting guests - you can follow it live.
- 10.15: Siduri Poli
- 12.30: Svenska Nomader (Swedish digital nomads)
- 15.30: (Evening, time to be announced) Teknikkvinnor (Tech Women)

11.00-18.00 DIY in the Steamachine:
Belgian FabLab Factory comes to Goto 10 with their mobile makerspace, complete with lasercutter, 3D-printers, robots, programming tools and other kinds of DIY goodness. They will be on the street outside Goto 10, make sure to pay them a visit!

12.00-13.30 Lunch Talk:
- Digital Transformation by Emanuel Felix Tunbjer, Lean and Agile Coach, organized by Foo Café (in English)
What is innovation actually? How do we recognise innovation when it happens and more importantly, what do we need to fix to make it thrive in organisations, enterprises and the society as a whole? Emanuel Felix Tunbjer creates common places and arrangements where work can be done happily and creatively - workstations that stimulate innovation and a continuous flow of value. He is a senior Agile coach with two decades of experience in Agile's values and working practices in different organizations. Register at Foo Café's website to secure your seat: http://foocafe.org/stockholm/events

14.00-16.00 Internationally awarded VR-films:
- VR Sci Fest
A headset, a revolving chair and suddenly you're immersed in science. VR Sci Fest, Sweden's biggest festival dedicated to science and virtual reality, let you peek into an assortment of worlds and situations. Not to be missed!

16.00 Live Podcast Recording
Teknikkvinnor, by Maria Paavola and Maria Norberg, engineers (in Swedish)
Teknikkvinnor (Tech women) gathers women of all ages who are in one way or another connected to tech, either through their profession, studies, or out of pure interest. The network’s goal is to empower women in tech in order to make the tech industry more equal, innovative, and profitable.

(17.00-18.00 Keynote Presentation:
- Improve Your Brain: The Real Value of VR/AR Gaming by Faviana Vangelius von Heijne)

18.00-20.00 Goto 10 Party!
- To socialize and celebrate the very first birthday of Goto 10! It doesn’t matter if you visit Goto 10 for the first time or the 51st – bring a friend and come!

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.