EmmsTech and Vue Vixens are partnering up to give you a full course on HTML, CSS, JS, Vue.js and Nuxt.js. The purpose of the course is to prepare you for a real-life career as a front end developer. Join us at Goto 10.
EmmsTech and Vue Vixens are coming together to host a 10-week course for WOC to learn Web Development, Vue.js and Nuxt.js.
This is the second class and we'll be going through table structure, pseudo selectors and classes.
It will be a 60 hours course divided by 10 Saturdays focused on content, you will learn everything from the basics of HTML, CSS and Javascript to Vue.js, Application State management, Server Side Rendering. Isn’t that great? Of course, it is, however for the success of your development it will depend a lot on yourself, the teacher will give your the classes and home assignments by the end of each class that you will be responsible for.
The goal of this course:
When you’re finished with this course you will be able to develop websites. Your knowledge should be at a level where you can freelance, and you should feel comfortable taking on an internship at a company.“
Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.