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Tidigare presentation på Goto 10 i Stockholm

Ultimate Customer Growth - through Marketing, Branding & Sales Shortcuts

22 mar 2018, 18:30–22:00 | Arrangör: Globalwoman

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We give you the Marketing, Branding & Sales Secrets of the Fortune 500 Companies in order to attract new customers, grow your clients and convert them into raging fans.

Why You Need To Visit Our Events:
Here are the SHORTCUTS to simplify the business life that you will get from spending just 3 hours with us:

- How to increase your visibility Online & Offline and grow your exposure instantly (at 0 cost)
- How to invest your budget smartly to maximize leads AND your Cashflow
- How to get into Media at 0 cost
- How to position yourself and your offer as premium and ask 3x the price you ask now
- How to create fans that will buy you and only you forever
- How to have 9 meetings with new potential clients every week
- How to triple the profits you make with your existing clients
- How to only talk to decision makers
- How to sell your product/service wherever you are without selling
- How to find new customers and business partners everywhere and anytime

About the speakers:

Nadia Boersch
Nadia Boersch is the brand strategist that brings passion and sex appeal into branding and marketing. She speaks globally about her brandalytical formula, inspiring thousands of businesses to manage their brand strategically and to treat their brand like the hottest love affair they ever had. Nadia had key leading positions in some of the most successful global brand companies: Uber, Philip Morris, and Nestlé. She has made it to her mission to share her success recipes to everyone that has a brand and is consulting entrepreneurs and businesses globally.

Oliver Meier
After more than 7 years of training and coaching some of the top salespeople in the world in companies like Amazon, Samsung, Vodafone, etc. on how to make millions in sales and profits, it’s time to show you the unique systems how to grow your business and live the life you deserve. Within his S.E.L.L. formula, Oliver has various systems that are easily adaptable for every business from solopreneurs to Fortune 500 companies on how to get new customers, grow and keep existing clients.


Our Websites:

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.

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