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Previous presentation at Goto 10 in Stockholm

The Well-Balanced Programmer

12 Dec 2017, 18:30–21:00 | Organizer: Foo Café

The event has passed.

A well-balanced programmer feels comfortable dealing with designing software, managing projects, and working with people. Companies seem to want to hire "the best", but well-balanced programmers relatively rare. Although many programmers feel confident arguing about algorithms, modularity, and scalability in design sessions, they would stand out from their peers if they also had incredible habits for managing their work, knew how to negotiate features with product owners, had intelligent conversations with project managers about the risks in their project, and understood what lies behind the irrationality of the people and systems around them. Sadly, most programmers don't appreciate the value of these skills. Others don't know how to get started learning them. I started programming computers because people are messy!

I'd like to share a curated collection of concepts for you explore that will help you become irresistibly valuable to your employer or clients. I plan to share the design principles and programming techniques that amplified my skills the most over the last 20 years. In addition, I'll describe how I learned the key non-programming concepts, techniques, and approaches that have endeared me to fellow programmers, managers, and clients. I offer you a very practical approach to issues like influencing peers, negotiating with stakeholders, and adopting new ways of working safely. I'll help you start to build a personal work system that will free your mind to do your best work.

I know how this might sound. I promise to share concrete techniques that you can begin applying right away. Of course, these techniques aren't magic, so you'll have to read some more and practise on your own, but you will know how to get started right away on becoming the well-balanced programmer that every manager and co-worker will love to have on their team.


J. B. Rainsberger helps software companies better satisfy their customers and the businesses they support. Over the years, he has learned to write valuable software, turned himself into a joy to work with, and built a life that he loves. He has traveled the world sharing what he’s learned, hoping to help other people get what they want out of work and out of their lives. Not only does he consult with and train for companies, he also provides personalized consulting and online training through http://online-training.jbrains.ca, where he helps even more people start getting the advice they need with minimal investment. He lives in Atlantic Canada with his wife, Sarah, and cat, Quincy.


18.30-18.45 – Meet & Greet

18.45-19.30 – Presentation

19.30-20.00 – Break with something lighter to eat

20.00-21.00 – Q&A

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.

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