Welcome to a presentation that touches upon the fast-growing, full of imaginaries deriving from sci-fi, seemingly futuristic: social robots.
Social robots are making headway across various industries, said to alleviate the workload and also provide additional care to the end user. However, despite social robots making advances, there is a growing need to be critical of this human-robot interaction entering sensitive sectors, such as healthcare. Laetitia Tanqueray, a socio-legal scholar, explains what the issues at hand are, and how as a society we need to reflect on what we should expect from new digital technologies.
About the speaker
Laetitia Tanqueray is a PhD Candidate at the Department of Technology and Society, at Lund University Sweden. Laetitia holds law degrees (LLB and Master 1) and a Master's (MSc) in Sociology of Law. She has been investigating human-robot interactions (HRI) from a socio-legal lens. Her published work has mostly focused on informing HRI design, including in collaboration with HRI experts in the context of peripartum depression.
The presentation will be 20 minutes followed by a 10 minute Q&A, so make sure to prepare all your sci-fi robot questions! Register now to attend either physically or online.
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