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Previous workshop at Goto 10 in Malmö

Proteins databases, data structures and representation in computational models

26 Sep 2022, 17:30–20:30 | Organizer: Foo Café

The event has passed.

Protein design emerges as a new branch of human technology with the potential to disrupt multiple industries and accelerate the transition towards a sustainable economy. Recent breakthroughs in protein design have opened the field for larger participations; allowing startups, innovators and skilled individuals to design functional proteins with as little as a laptop/GPU.   

The first protein design workshop will briefly introduce proteins from a structural perspective, and review available protein related resources.  The second part of the workshop will focus on some of the common computational data structures, clustering and representation methods. At the end of the workshop participants could use a Colab notebook to fold proteins into their predicted structures

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.

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