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Previous presentation at Goto 10 in Stockholm

Knime Text Processing

10 Apr 2019, 09:00–10:30 | Organizer: Redfield AB

The event has passed.

Learn text mining with KNIME. In a user friendly interface we will show you how to work with text analysis. 100% open source.

The KNIME Textprocessing feature enables to read, process, mine and visualize textual data in a convenient way. It provides functionality from

* natural language processing (NLP)
* text mining
* information retrieval.

To process texts with the KNIME Text Processing plugin usually six different steps need to be accomplished. These steps are:

IO: reading and parsing
Enrichment: named entity recognition
Preprocessing: filtering and manipulation
Frequencies: word counting and keyword extraction
Transformation: bow and vector representation
Visualization: tag cloud

Our speaker Artem Ryasik is a data scientist at Redfield AB.

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