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Previous presentation at Goto 10 in Stockholm

Cancelled: INSTÄLLT - Digitalization and its Future Impact on Public Services and Labour: Research Presentation

19 Mar 2020, 14:00–16:15 | Organizer: Internetstiftelsen

The event has passed.

How will digitalization impact public services and labour in the future? Join this event at Goto 10 for a presentation on recent findings from leading researchers in the field led by Robin Teigland and Anthony Larsson.

As public services and the labour market are currently undergoing an ever-growing digital transformation, the societal implications are many. Some of the questions raised concern whether or not welfare services become more accessible or less? Another pressing issue is the topic of automatisation and job replacement. Who will keep their jobs and who will need to reskill? Who wins and who loses as a result of the technological advancement? What new innovations, services and developments can we expect in the near future? These questions, and many more, are discussed in two recent books published by Routledge. The books explore topics such as the gig economy, the substitution of labour, security, digital consulting, social care, the future of the welfare state, EdTech, and much more. Welcome to Goto 10 for a presentation of the findings from leading researchers in the field.

The project is supported by the Swedish Internet Foundation. Read more about the foundation's research collaborations here.

Preliminary Program

14:00 Welcome (Danny Aerts, - CEO the Swedish Internet Foundation).

14:05 Introduction about the premise of the book projects (Anthony Larsson - Karolinska Institutet).

14:10 Introductory discussion about the digitalisation of public services and the future of labour (Robin Teigland - Chalmers University of Technology).

14:20 Presentation 1: Black boxes of cognitive computers and the impact on labour markets (Victor Erik Bernhardtz – Unionen).

14:35 Presentation 2: Societal security: How digitalization enables resilient, agile, and learning capabilities (Arne Norlander - NORSECON).

14:50 Presentation 3: Consulting in the digital era? The role of tomorrow’s management consultants (Ivy Mayor - Karolinska Institutet).

15:05 Q&A

15:10 Break

15:20 Presentation 4: Solutions based on digital connected devices for social care and well-being (Andres Laya - Ericsson).

15:35 Presentation 5: Digitalization has changed the foundation of the democracy (Olle Wästberg – Fmr. politician/diplomat).

15:50 Presentation 6: Educational technology (EdTech): Unbounded opportunities or just another brick in the wall? (Anna Åkerfeldt - Stockholm University).

16:05 Concluding statement (Anthony Larsson & Robin Teigland).

16:10 Q&A

16:15 END


Editors and Event Moderators

This event will be moderated by the editors, Anthony Larsson and Robin Tiegland.

Anthony Larsson

Anthony Larsson (Ph.D.) is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet. He was previously a researcher for three years at the Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR). Besides his Ph.D., Anthony also holds an MBA and M.Sc. degrees in political science, social anthropology, and business administration and economics respectively, as well as an associate’s degree in psychology. His recent work includes the books, The Rise and Development of FinTech: Accounts of Disruption from Sweden and Beyond (2018), Too Big to Fail? A Case Study of the Rise and Fall of a Medical Research Infrastructure (2018) and Digital Transformation and Public Services: Societal Impacts in Sweden and Beyond (2020), as well a number of research papers. Anthony’s research interests include innovation management, medical science, digitalisation, customer loyalty, bank marketing, management, organisational behaviour, organisational branding, stakeholder analysis, entrepreneurship and qualitative research methods.

Robin Teigland
Robin Teigland (Ph.D.) is Professor of  Management of Digitalisation in the Entrepreneurship and Strategy Division at the Department of Technology Management and Economics at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. She is also Professor of Business Administration with a specialisation in strategic information systems management at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) in Sweden. She is also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. Robin has more than 20 years of research experience within social networks, strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship and start-up ecosystems. In particular, she is interested in how the convergence of disruptive technologies influences value creation in society as well as disrupts long-standing institutional structures. Robin is also an impact entrepreneur, having recently started a blue circular economy project and an ocean tech hub in Peniche, Portugal, that focusses on enabling regional development in coastal communities  through  digitalisation. In 2017, 2018 and  2019, she was listed by the Swedish business magazine, Veckans Affärer, as one of Sweden’s most influential women, primarily in technology. In her free time, she likes to “play” with her five kids as well as surf, and help run her surf school, at her favorite beach in Peniche.

Contributing Authors and Speakers

Victor Erik Bernhardtz - Black boxes of cognitive computers and the impact on labour markets

Victor Erik Bernhardtz is a policy analyst specializing in digital labour markets at Unionen, the world’s largest white-collar private-sector union. In his work, Victor seeks to understand how digitalisation disrupts labour, the organisation of labour and the implications for the relationship between labour and society. In this, a key component involves strategic innovation for labour unions in the twenty-first century. Victor has a background in media, advocacy and contemporary theatre. He holds a B.Sc. in political science from Stockholm University. 


Arne Norlander - Societal security: How digitalization enables resilient, agile, and learning capabilities

Arne Norlander (Ph.D.) has over 20 years of experience from senior and executive positions in strategic R&D in crisis management, societal security, and defence. Based in Stockholm, Sweden, he is active as senior scientist and research director and is the author of numerous internationally recognised scientific publications. He is chairman of the Swedish Security & Defense Industry Association Research & Development Committee, and serves as an independent expert for the European Commission. Arne is a member of the the Swedish Society of Parliamentarians & Scientists. He lectures frequently on scientific, technical, and policy-related topics. Arne’s current research interests are complex adaptive systems, human factors, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), cybersecurity, crisis management, business agility, innovation management, capability development, strategy, policy, and leadership. He holds Master’s, Licentiate, and Doctoral degrees in Industrial Ergonomics and computerised automation from Linköping University and has studied strategic leadership and innovation management at the Stockholm School of Economics. He is also a graduate in crisis management and civil emergency planning at the Swedish Defense University Institute of National Defense & Security Policy Studies. Arne is the founder and CEO of NORSECON, a consulting firm in science, engineering, capabilities development, strategic technology foresight, and innovation management.


Ivy Mayor - Consulting in the digital era? The role of tomorrow’s management consultants

Ivy Mayor is a Ph.D. candidate and a graduate teaching assistant at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. Her research  explores the intersection of neuroscience and immunology in application for regenerative medicine. Ivy also has an extensive interdisciplinary background in the fields of mechatronic engineering, bio-physics, physiology and neuroscience, after completing her tertiary education at the University of Lübeck, Germany, as well as at the University of Western Australia in her native Australia. Her current areas of interest include STEM and history communication, AI, robotics, technology, innovation, space exploration and regenerative biology.


Andres Laya - Solutions based on digital connected devices for social care and well-being 

Andres Laya (Ph.D.) is a KTH Doctoral graduate, Sweden. In 2009, he completed an M.Sc. degree in ICT from BarcelonaTECH (UPC), Spain. In 2017, he received a Ph.D. in communication services and infrastructures from KTH Royal Institute of Technology. He has been involved in Swedish and European projects in subjects related to the Internet of Things (IoT), service development, and advances in mobile communications. His research interests are consumer perception and business implications of connected devices in different industries.


Olle Wästberg - Digitalization has changed the foundation of the democracy

Olle Wästberg is a former journalist, politician, marketing professional, and diplomat. He has served as a Swedish member of parliament, Liberal (1976–1982); State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance (1991–1993); Editor-in-Chief for the Swedish newspaper Expressen (1993–1995); Swedish Consul General to New York (1999–2004); Director General of the Swedish Institute (2005–2010); and, most recently, Chairman of the Governmental Democracy Commission (2014–2016) and Member of the Public Service Committee (2017–2018). He is also a member of several boards, among them the board of the Raoul Wallenberg Academy and of the Sweden America Foundation.


Anna Åkerfeldt - Educational technology (EdTech): Unbounded opportunities or just another brick in the wall?

Anna Åkerfeldt (Ph.D.) is a researcher at Stockholm University, Department of Mathematics and Science  Education. She also works as a process manager of the development and research program called “Digital learning environments: equivalent education with remote and distance learning” at Ifous: innovation, research, and development in schools and pre-schools. Her research interests are educational technologies and how these are used for designs in and for learning and in assessment. Anna has a background as a producer and scriptwriter of custom-made e-learning applications and websites for various organisations and corporations. She has been involved in several research projects, including a longitudinal study of the implementation of one-to-one computing programs in primary education. She has been working with the Swedish National Agency for Education to develop online course materials for teachers. During 2016–2018, she received a postdoc scholarship where she investigated learning in digital environments and possibilities and consequences for teachers’ formative assessment. She is also part of the research project “Programming Didactics,” funded by the Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation.

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