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Previous seminar at Goto 10 in Stockholm

Bluetooth LE and Kotlin Flows

20 Apr 2023, 17:30–20:30 | Organizer: Foo Café

The event has passed.

Bluetooth LE by Erik Hellman | Level: Intermediate

It’s 2023 and we’ve had Bluetooth LE APIs on Android for almost 10 years. Are they stable now? Can you work with them? Why is this so difficult? In this session, you’ll learn how to use BLE on Android and how to avoid common pitfalls. This session is useful for anyone doing anything around Bluetooth connectivity on Android.

Kotlin Flows by Bob Dahlberg | Level: Beginner / Intermediate

Flows and the observable patterns are nothing new, still, it might be a threshold to get into the mindset of it. Let’s go through some examples and create ourselves playground with different scenarios solved with flows.

Goto 10 är en arena där individer och organisationer kan dela kunskap, idéer och perspektiv. Detta event speglar arrangörens åsikter och delas inte nödvändigtvis av oss på Goto 10 och Internetstiftelsen. På Goto 10 får idéer och kunskap testas, diskuteras och utvecklas så länge de följer våra riktlinjer.

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