First Speaker: Big Data Genomics: Digitalize your life journey
Davit Bzhalava will start by talking about how big data can improve quality of life.
- How to digitalize genoms and transform to insight?
- How to create big data pipeline for genomics?
- How to obtain public genomics dataset?
All of these questions will be discussed within the talk. Davit is a BioInformatician, and big data enthusiast. He loves working with big data and all the new technologies.
Second Speaker: DecOps for Data Science: Why analytics ops is key to value
Usually a new data product takes about a year to put into production, but if not adjusted, the product maybe already obsolete.
Analytics Ops is about creating sustainable data products.
Andrew Wu will talk about the best practices accumulated from the past which can accelerate projects in the early stages and fast-track the realization of their value to the business.
17:45 - 18:00 Arrive
18:00 - 18:35 Big Data Genomics, Davit Bzhalava
18:35 - 19:00 Break with food and drinks
19:00 - 19:35 DecOps for Data Science, Andrew Wu
19:35 - More drinks and a chance to ask questions
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